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World Cat Day: A Reflection on the Value of All Living Beings

Güncelleme tarihi: 9 Ağu

Today is World Cat Day, and as a proud mother of three beautiful cats, Sütlaç, Mocha, and Latte, I reflect on the deep bond I share with my feline companions and all animals.

This morning, I had the pleasure of visiting a cat café in Helsinki, where the peaceful atmosphere and the gentle purring of the cats reminded me of the simple yet profound joy that animals bring into our lives.

If you come to Helsinki and want to visit the Cat Cafe (Cat Café Helkatti Helsinki

Restaurant) , here is the address: Fredrikinkatu 55, Helsinki 00100.

It is very easy to find in the center and the entrance fee is 5 euros, but you need to make a reservation in advance from the website. (You can find it the day before)

As I sat there, sipping my coffee and watching the cats play, I couldn’t help but think about my dear neighbor’s dog, a wonderful and friendly soul who always brightened my day.

My love for animals extends beyond just my own pets; it encompasses every living being that shares this planet with us.

Whether it’s a cat, dog, bird, or any other creature, every life is precious and deserves our respect and protection.

However, as I basked in the warmth of the café and the affection of these beautiful creatures, my thoughts turned to the darker reality that animals face in many parts of the world, including my home country of Türkiye.

The cruelty inflicted upon animals – especially dogs – through acts of violence and neglect is something that I can never accept or remain silent about.

These are not just isolated incidents; they reflect a broader societal issue where the value of life is too often overlooked.

Every living being, whether animal, human, or part of our natural environment, holds intrinsic value. It is our responsibility to protect and cherish this value, to advocate for the rights of those who cannot speak for themselves, and to take action against any form of harm or exploitation. The massacre of dogs and other animals in Türkiye is a heartbreaking example of the cruelty that persists, and it demands our collective condemnation and action.

We must work tirelessly to create a world where the rights of all beings are respected, where cruelty is met with justice, and where the sanctity of life – whether that life is human, animal, or part of the natural world – is upheld. As we celebrate World Cat Day today, let it also serve as a reminder of the ongoing struggle to protect the vulnerable and to ensure that our society becomes one where all lives are valued equally.

On this day, as I reflect on my visit to the cat café in Helsinki and the joy that animals bring into our lives, I renew my commitment to advocating for animal rights, for the protection of our environment, and for the dignity of all living beings. We must continue to raise our voices against injustice, to educate others about the importance of empathy and respect, and to work towards a future where every creature, great or small, is treated with the love and care they deserve.

Happy World Cat Day to all the animal lovers out there. Let’s make it a day not just of celebration, but of reflection and action. Together, we can create a better world for all.

You can also listen to our podcast episode in Turkish, which we recorded with Berkay from METU Animal Friends before the law on stray animals was passed in the parliament.

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